
AWS Advanced Plastic Recycling Solution

AWS plans to construct the largest advanced recycling plant. The plant is expected to be operational by 2030, will deliver approximately 120 KTA of advanced recycling capacity and would be the first of its kind in in the united states. The project is targeted for a final investment decision by the end of 2023. In addition to this facility, AWS plans to construct other units in US and Socially deprived communities around the world. collectively adding as much as 600 KTA of advanced recycling capacity by 2030.

Mura's Hydrothermal Plastic Recycling Solution (HydroPRS) advanced recycling process uses supercritical steam to convert most forms of plastics, including historically non-recyclable flexible and multi-layer materials, back into the original oils and chemicals from which they were made. These can be used to create new "virgin-equivalent" polyethylene-based products that can be used in multiple medical and automotive applications, and even for food-contact packaging. Advanced recycling processes are expected to save approximately 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide per ton of plastic recycled compared with incineration.